Rinaldy Yunardi
The headpieces with classical forms and Innovative shapes
Rinaldy Yunardi has been an established accessories designer since the year 1996 in Indonesia. His work has always been an infusion of classical forms and innovative shapes worked as a series of contemporary accessories. Often presented as headpieces, his creative endeavors were born out of a passion for material and craftsmanship. Through his exploration, Rinaldy has always approached his designs from its tactile aspect ensuring it takes inspiration from what he comes across through sight, taste, and emotions. His designs ranges from accessories, clutches, and interior decorations with a high-profile outreach of Indonesian and foreign artists running at his fashion show. Rinaldy Yunardi has established a prominent career working with the best names in the industry while making his mark through pieces that are bold and beautiful.
Rinaldy Yunardiは1996年からインドネシアで活躍するアクセサリーデザイナー。彼が手がけるのは、古典的様式と革新的な造形を融合させたコンテンポラリーなアクセサリー作品。ヘッドピースを中心にしたクリエイションは素材と職人技への情熱から生まれている。Rinaldyは常に視覚、味覚、情緒など感覚の側面から探求し、インスピレーションをデザインに取り入れている。デザインの幅は、ファッションショーを歩くインドネシア人や外国人アーティストが身に着ける注目的なアクセサリーから、クラッチバッグ、インテリア装飾まで多岐にわたる。その大胆で美しい作品を通して、Rinaldy Yunardiは業界トップのブランドとコラボする一方、自身のブランドも確立している。