Logo Design Respecting Asian Esthetics
Asia Color Trend Book is the only one design trend book in the world focused on Asia. It captures a variety of Asian cultural background and trends in a wide perspective. It presents the inspiration source to a wide range of branding strategy in Asia by introducing the newest creations, the rich images, and unique CMF (color, material, finish) samples which stir readers’ artistic sensibility.
Please take a look at the title logo of the cover. You will find some elegant motifs of flowers, fruits, and birds combined with the letters “Asia Color Trend Book 2016”. They were inspired by the motifs which were embroidered on traditional costumes of the Miao people living in Guizhou province of Southwest China. These embroideries richly stand for the natural beauty of the land where they have lived for generations. Looking closely at this title logo, you can find a tree peony and a bird which perches on its branch in the letter “A” of “ASIA”, a bud and a butterfly over a peach tree in letters “O” of “BOOK”. Furthermore, you find peaches and two phoenixes in the letter “17” and “18” in the sign of year “2017-18”, the part which is different every year. Don’t you think this title logo, decorated with relaxed and jubilant motifs, looks like a door to the world of beauty of Asia?
このトレンドブックの表紙を彩るロゴに、ちょっと注目してみてほしい。ASIA COLOR TREND BOOKというタイトルと年号の文字に花や鳥、果物などの、優美なモチーフが組み合わされているのをご確認いただけるだろうか。これは中国の貴州省に住む、苗族の伝統衣装に刺繍されたモチーフに、インスピレーションを得たものである。この刺繍には、民族が暮らす土地に息づく自然美が、豊かに表現されている。ロゴを見ると、ASIAのAの部分には牡丹の花とその枝に留まる鳥が、BOOKのOの部分には花のつぼみと桃の実、その上には蝶が描かれている。毎年異なる年号部分のモチーフは、「2017-18」では、桃と二羽の鳳凰があしらわれている。端正でありながら、のびやかで歓喜にあふれたモチーフに彩られて、ロゴ自体がアジアの美の世界の扉を開いているように見えないだろうか。
It takes much time and labor to embroider these motifs on traditional clothes, caps, and sashes. However, the Miao young women have great zeal and skill. We will tell you the specific meanings of their embroideries motifs in the next column.